Sunday, June 13, 2010

Head for the Hills

So I finished that little project I was working on about a week ago.  It was an illustration for my Brother's birthday card, which is why I can't post it yet (On the off chance he decides to read the blog between now and August), but I shall once he has the card in his hands, along with step by step descriptions and illustrations.  It was primarily digital I'm afraid, but it's still the first piece of finished art I've done in a while.  So that was a week ago, and I'd done no other off-work art between the last post and that, so what have I done since?

Not a lot:


No Good vs Bad this time, because I've not really done enough to warrant it - and none of the pieces here are particularly good are they? Oh there's that one that looks mildly like David Tennant, and the muscular chap looking to the skies, and Mr Rendered in Grey isn't terrible, but overall this is quite depressing.

Y'see I tried to follow one of Andrew Loomis' tricks for drawing a head, and it wasn't working out so well. I did the skull to see if I could figure out where I was going wrong, and the answer was "lots of places". So I shall go back to the Loomis book in question (Drawing the Head and the Hands), re-read the technique and then draw lots of skulls. The technique is one that helps get the basic proportions of the head and aids in visualising it in 3D. It does somewhat hinge on visualising the underlying skull though, so lots of skulls are in my future. Once I have those down I can proceed to drawing actual faces.

I should probably get some pose drawing done too, I'm sure that will suffer greatly from my hiatus from practice.  I shall endeavour to post again sooner rather than later this time.

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