Friday, May 7, 2010

The Best and Worst of Figure Drawing (Week 4)

It occurs to me that no-one is reading this blog.  Not yet anyway, probably not ever.  Oh, I know there's one person who reads it right now, and I guess it's for them rather than anyone who may come later that I'm going to keep writing it.
Why do I think no-one else is ever likely to read the thing?  Well, I figure there are three kinds of people in the world other than my current lone reader (She's my wife, by the way, hands off):

  • Artists who are better than me.  They're better than me, they have nothing to learn from me.  They shall look upon my doodles and shrug their shoulders before looking elsewhere (likely at the blog of someone who will make them go "Holy cow, I wish I could draw like that!")
  • People who are not artists, who think even my worse work is better than they could ever do.  They will briefly look, say "Holy cow, I wish I could draw like that," then realise I think I suck, dismiss me as being an idiot and move on.  That I believe every one of those people likely has the potential to be at least a decent artist with a small amount of training and practice  would no doubt surprise them. 
The third sort of person is obviously the person who's made it this far through this post (hello dear!), and if you are that person you deserve some reward.  Sadly all you get is more sketches, for now:
The Good:
So, not really very good at all.  With one exception I suspect these would have fallen closer to "the bad" on any other week, but this week I really wasn't feeling it (you can find out why under the bad if you really want).  The sole sketch I was really pleased with this week was the reclined one at the bottom.  I think that one worked out pretty well - I especially like how the arms came out - you can tell exactly what she was doing even though each is barely a scribble.  I'm also quite fond of the second from left, though honestly I couldn't tell you why.  Maybe it's because it's both sketchy and graphic at the same time?  Anyway, things can only get better from here right?  Right?

The Bad:
No, she wasn't wearing a feather boa in the top left, that's supposed to be her arm.  She also appears to be wearing a helmet of some sort in the left most, and lord only knows that I was thinking when I did the bottom right.  Oh, I do know what I was thinking, I was thinking it was my Dad's birthday, making it the second worse day of the year.  Keep reading the blog and you'll find out the worse day of the year, and why my Dad's birthday sucks.  Deal?  Cool.  The worse day is in October if you're interested.

1 comment:

  1. I guess I'm the third type, being a blood relative and all..... coming along nicely though :)
