Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Best and Worst Sketching of September

You may be wondering why it's more than a third of the way through October and I'm only now posting about September.  For once it's not because of the effort involved in getting all the images together nicely - nope, finished that on the 2nd.  It's because I was monumental depressed (as you may have gathered in the last post) and just couldn't be bothered.  Couldn't be bothered to speedpaint either, or paint anything else for that matter.  I did sketch a lot though - most of it was dreadful, but you'll get to see that next month.
Odd thing though, today I feel much better.  I felt much better when I got up, I felt even better when the thing I've been working on at work started to come together, and pretty awesome when I won a raffle for a set of snazzy Saints Row the Third headphones (oh, that's the Saints Row the Third I worked on by the way - check it out next month when it hits the stores... if you're old enough).  So, here we are all happy and jolly; better write a blog post while it lasts - hey, I'm placing you lot above painting again, be thankful! ;)

The Best

Now I know this isn't exactly da Vinci, it's not even Rolf Harris (who's awesome by the way, I don't care what you think - did I mention I met him?  Oh, yeah, I did didn't I...), but I'm still really pleased with some of these.
Bloke looking all sheepish top left - reminds me of young Rutger Hauer for some reason.  Doesn't look like him, but reminding me is enough, plus I like his expression (I gotta work on those, and, y'know, everything else).
Middle top, I love - The universe needs more badass Black Elves with awesome Afros.
Repairman Joe on the right there looks grumpy, but I think that's the first time I've ever drawn headgear nicely without reference. Pretty much nailed it too.
The figure lower left is far from perfect, but shows progression on trunk anatomy (I still suck, and you'll not the lack of arms and legs - yeaaaah).
Small figure next to her just looks cute (if inaccurate), and over from her is someone looking rather angry - best angry face I've drawn without reference).
Yes, that man looks like he's reaching for the toilet paper... maybe he is, but he was supposed to be pointing, and then I hit the edge of the sketchbook ;).
The face below that is the only one from reference - National Geographic.
The scribbled one may make you wonder why it's there - well it's part of my new 'scribble drive' to rapidly get ideas on paper (without worrying about quality) it works maybe 50% of the time and mostly aren't worth showing even when they do.  That particular one was drawn with my left hand - yeah, I'm not exactly ambidextrous.

The Worst

Oh gosh, do I have to talk about these?  Really?  Well, I refuse, I'm in a good mood and you're not going to ruin it for me.  Suffice to say that as ghastly as these eyesores are they're far better than the worst batches from a year ago (I hope), so at least I'm showing some improvement on the bottom end, not just the top (horray).

Now, hopefully I'll have enough material to do another post before the end of the month after that dry spell, but if not rest assured I'm working on it and there'll be plenty to post come November (when I'll be to busy playing Saints Row to bother ;)).  Oh, actually I've still got some RFA stuff to post - win!

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