Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back to the Drawing Board

So I am an Artist who can't draw.  Sad right?  I really am an artist, it says so on my business card, and once; back in the mists of time; I could draw rather well.  But then I got a job that didn't require me to actually put pencil to paper and my skills have atrophied to near non existence over the past few years.  Time to learn to draw all over again.
I discovered this decline quite recently.  I set out to draw a series of posters based on movies, but in the style of something else.  When using just the computer I got along just fine, but then I wanted to do an Art Deco Star Wars poster, and a Loony Tunes Jaws poster.  I decided to sketch elements out on paper first, and then scan them in and clean them up.  The results were not pretty...
 Thankfully Photoshop let me finish what I'd started, but still, those initial images were quite upsetting.
"Jaws" ITSO a Looney Tunes Title Card!

So I decided to learn to draw (again).  I enrolled in an 8 week figure drawing class at work (one week left at the time of posting), and started sketching on  my own again for the first time in years.  It's going to be a slow road, but hopefully this blog will cover my progress, and possibly other things...