Monday, December 26, 2011

The Best (Not Worst) Sketching of November

Merry Christmas! Yeah, so it's a day late - well, I'm not going to actually post on Christmas day am I? So it's a day late, whatever, Boxing Day still counts*. Some of you probably don't even celebrate Christmas, and that's fine too I hope you have (or had) a wonderful whatever you observe this holiday season. I do observe it though, so as an added bonus for what would otherwise be a very short post I'll throw in a speed paint I finished at 11:50PM on Christmas Eve.

There we go. If you bothered to enlarge you'll see that it's not a terribly good paint at full size, but when it's small it looks OK. It took 50 minutes using ArtRage, and as I said I finished it 10 minutes before Christmas itself. Badly done or not I still think it's a cute image.

On to the sketching!

I said it was going to be a real short post, and yes, that's it. November went in a hurry as I've mentioned before, and I didn't get a whole lot of sketching done (not at all from photographs if memory serves). You'll note I started working on the anatomy of the arm again - I'll work it all out one day, but there are a shocking number of muscles in there that are usually forgotten about, not to mention I can never remember which bone in the forearm connects to where in the wrist and elbow. I'm rubbish really.

I'm quite proud of the perspective sketch of the chap reclining and the girl on the far right - just feels pleasantly dynamic. I'm not terribly pleased with any of the free sketching, but the guy to the left of center is OK, as is the woman to his right (if a little tired looking).

Another added bonus for you. Back in October I finished my second 50 page sketchbook, so I've now compiled all the scans I made into one big image (click to enlarge obviously). This is direct from the sketchbook, not laid out and tidied up as I usually present things, so you can see what a waster of space I am when it comes to filling up pages. A couple of pages are blank - one was lost when my son tore it out of the book, the other I guess I just didn't scan, and I wasn't about to work through all 100 pages to work out which one it was. Yes, that big black hand print is my son's - I have no recollection as to why it was needed ;).  It was right after this that I decided I was done with showing things on the pink background for a bit - I still mostly sketch in a newsprint book, but when I clean it up I throw it on white - which I also now sketch on, having two books going concurrently.

OK, that's it - I'm hoping to squeeze in one more post before January, but we're going out of town for a couple of days so don't hold your breath too hard. If I don't catch you until after the event (again) have a happy New year and I'll catch you on the flip side.

*Note to those who have no idea what Boxing Day is - it's the day after Christmas in the UK (and a handful of other places, but in the UK it's a legal holiday). In Ireland it's St. Stephen's day and in some other places it's "Second Christmas Day" in whatever the local language is.
Why's it called Boxing Day in the UK? No bugger really remembers exactly why - there are a whole host of things to do with boxes traditionally done on the day after Christmas (giving the servants and the poor gifts, opening the alms boxes in churches, handing Christmas boxes to tradesmen etc), it's probably a combination of them all that led to the name. No actual boxing is involved. See, Pretty pictures and education on foreign places - good value for money this blog.

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