Sunday, July 18, 2010

Facial Muscle Faliure

I didn't draw all that many faces stripped to the muscle for a variety of reasons.  The first was that it was terribly boring, the second that it was deadly dull, the third was because I was lazy, and this little piggy had none...  No, that's gone wrong hasn't it?  anyway, what we have after the break is every muscle sketch I did since the last skulls post, and I'm sure you'll agree that I neither did all that many, nor that they were as good as the skulls.  I do have a plan though that will require me to be less lazy but may alleviate at least some of the boredom.  You'll have to watch this space to see if it pans out (well, not this exact space, this one is done and is not going to change any time soon).


That poor devil in the bottom right looks like he's contracted Captain Trips doesn't he? That's why I redrew just his neck to the left, which is still a little wrong, but better than Tube Neck Man. Both that, and the state of Mr. Pancake Face to the centre left prove to me something I've suspected for a while; I have trouble thinking "around" an object, and have a tendency for trying to flatten them out. I shall put the blame on too many years of unwrapping 3D models (Which consists of taking a three dimensional object and making it essentially flat), even though that's probably not the case. I'm not sure what to do to help alleviate this issue just yet (It's not something any of my anatomy books really cover), but hopefully I'll think of something. Maybe I'll just do everything in an Egyptian style and hope people just think it's cool.

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