Sunday, May 9, 2010

Random Pose Sketches #2 (April/May 2010)

This is the point where I have to wonder if this blog should go forward without some sort of warning on it.  For the first time I have images that are recognisable as humans with their kit off.  Now for me this isn't a big deal, you can see nude art pretty much anywhere (Statuary!) and (with some exceptions) I'm fine with even my Son seeing such things.
Other people are not so open minded regarding this sort of thing and may feel my feeble scribble of a boob and nipple is somehow going to convert their child, or even themselves, into a crazed deviant.
This can only get worse, if I am to improve, and still draw figures then some of them will be sans clothes, and will look a lot more real than the thumbnail there (That that looks human at all gives me an idea for another post)...

Anyway, for the time being I shall leave it open to anyone, and alter that if I get complaints.  It's not like anyone is reading yet anyway right?

These are the best and worse general sketches for the end of April/beginning of May.  Many (most?) of them are from posemaniacs again, with a few being from photographs (including that sort, yes).  Didn't actually do many drawings at home over this time due to a whole slew of reasons, but this is still a small percentage of what I did do:
Blah Blah Blah. Yes?  Good, me too.
Y'know, I actually had a real job choosing the bad set this time, and those I've chosen (Which really were the worst I think) are actually...  Pretty good; at least compared to some I've shown in recent posts.  That girl on the left would probably almost fall into the good category if her breasts didn't look as though there was invisible tape holding them in place.  So with that in mind I'll hopefully I'll be able to drop showing the bad ones before long, because there will be so little to choose between them and the good ones.  Time will tell.

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